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terça-feira, 14 de abril de 2020

Dutch history highlights the bad character of a people whose genes have been perpetuated for centuries.

The Dutch Minister of Finance turned out to be anasshole... but as they say in the announcement, "it's already coming from afar"... nothing like remembering "History"


I am not going to discuss the issue of Eurobonds,which is already old and where the position of the various European countries has not changed. What I can think of to comment is the acinte of the Dutch minister towards Spain.
Why spain in particular?

There are things of history that remain in the collective memory of peoples, not so much as a memory of the facts, but as emotional memory, in hatreds and esteem. And the fact is that there is a secular resentment in the Netherlands against Spain and also against Portugal, as can be seen in blogs and  cyber-groupswhen talking about the IberianDiscoveries. Where's that coming from?
It's just that Spain and the Netherlands fought a war for 80 years, between 1568 and 1648! Which ended with the Dutch victory in Europe, but the defeat in the Spanish Overseas. It is a long story, which I will not develop, but just to mention that, without justification, the Netherlands has extended this war to Portugal, in what was undoubtedly the first modern imperialist war in European history.

Around here it is little known, as everything concerning the history of our overseas empire, but this war was the longest war that Portugal fought in its history, after the war against the Moors.
Basically, the Netherlands sought to rob Portugal of its overseas empire. He began by systematically hacking our galleons and caravels, and in the East took everything he could - Ceylon, the Moluccas(present-day  Indonesia, which only left us Timor),) , trade with Japan, and just did not take away from us Macau because the Chinese emperor protected us, unlike the Japanese emperor.
In Africa he took the Cape away from us, he couldn't get Mozambique out, but he also tried to take Brazil and the colonies out of Atlantic Africa. That's where the war was most lit and long.
The war in Brazil was for the appropriation of sugar plantations, and lasted 65 years. It was the Brazilians themselves who defeated and expelled the Dutch, although they then went to plant sugar in Guyana. As Brazilian sugar (which all the others later copied in Haiti, Cuba, etcetc.) was an unviable agro-industry  without African slaves, the Netherlands took us To Sao Tome and Principe, the Mine on the coast of Guinea, and in 1640, when we were no longer subjects of the Spaniards and therefore  without excuse, Luanda. But only Luanda, never managing to dislodge the Portuguese from their positions in the interior, thanks to our African allies and also to Brazilian aid.
Also in Brazil, as in Angola, the Dutch never managed to move from some coastal cities to the interior. In the interior, the Portuguese, the Portuguese-Brazilians, and in Angola the Portuguese-Africans have always dominated. In Brazil, The Portuguese-Brazilians kept the coastal cities under Dutch rule surrounded, breaking them when they tried to penetrate the interior. And it was the Brazilians who financed, built and equipped the armada that went to Luanda and São Tomé to recover those sources of slaves for sugar plantations. The official Brazilian historiography considers that it was in this war that his nationality was forged, with the combined struggle of white Portuguese-Brazilian detachments, Indian troops, and black troops formed by former slaves. All together against the Dutch.
The religious issue was important in this outcome of the Luso-Dutch war. The Calvinist aversion of the Dutch to Catholic religious icons, saints and anders with Our Lady, sacred relics and the Pope did not reaped support among Africans and Christianindians by the esteemed Jesuits. On the contrary, it scandalized them.
The Netherlands lost this war in the Atlantic, therefore, but resented it.

Note: the Netherlands was the northern part of a wider nation, the "Netherlands", whose southern part ended up on the Spanish side. Not only with the Southern Catholic majority that did not re-engage in Dutch Calvinism, but also from the Protestants themselves in other churches, given Calvinist intolerance. This southern part eventually achieved its independence in 1830 and has since been Belgium. With whom Portugal has always done well.

History has a lot of strength...

The low minister of the low country is a "good dutch elite". Now...
- The "good dutchman of elite" is the Dutchman who liked to be occupied by the Nazis and collaborated with Hitler cheerfully.
- The "good dutchman of elite" is the Dutchman who, with the greatest ease, denounced Jews to the police, so that they would be referred for extermination.
- The "good dutch elite" is the Dutchman who brought to South Africa the concept of "apartheid", an monstrosity that goes beyond racism.
- The "good elite Dutchman" is one who, in our day, lives in prosperity and without any scruples, at the expense of tax theft from other countries... like Portugal.

In short, the "good elite Dutchman" is a Nazi son of a bitch, a defective human being and a con man... and, as it turned out, the Dutch finance minister is undoubtedly a "good elite Dutchman".

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