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terça-feira, 21 de abril de 2020

World War III is won by China

Since World War II, the Chinese Communist Party has had its 90 million members and leaders who have been studying Western countries and implementing a Machiavellian plan to take over the world. This plan is consolidating now.
First, it consolidated the massive introduction of its commercial business fabric worldwide, negotiating country by country for its tax exemption in the early years of activity,selling products at an enticing price manufactured with the sacrifice of the people violating all the Rights, Guarantees and Freedoms that the workers of the West conquered. Extending to the maneuver of renewals of companies and names in order to always restart such exemptions. Violating the morals and intent of the legislator, but always complying with the rules of the Western game.
Then he deceived the great sharks of the western business fabric for many years, with the so-called "Chinesepatience", which could dramatically increase their profits by hosting their factories and companies on the territory of China, in the face of taxes and labor costs, highly attractive. As in the West who owns the companies is the private capital the decision is private and, here the private simultaneously bribes the Western political power to close its eyes to the Chinese dictatorship. Everything is played by the cunning of the Chinese Communist Party paradoxically using capitalism itself as a weapon to achieve its ends, forgetting its communist doctrine.
China not being bothered by its dictatorship, by the absence of Rights, Guarantees and Freedoms is simultaneously accepted as a global economic partner on several fronts. Covertly  because the regime allows it, it has never stopped developing weapons in quality and quantity in the three fields of NBQ – Nuclear, Biological and Chemical.
Economically it developed so much, it stopped copying and began to invent and innovate in technologies, science and medicine.
Since the economic crisis of 2008, we have collected much of all the planet's gold and dollars, gold through such gold stores in the midst of the 2008 to 2014 crisis. And it even acquired U.S. Treasuries and owned $1.13 trillion.
And through several Chinese representatives, members and leaders of the Chinese Communist Party, which are currently  90 million, they have acquired capital from several multinational companies around the globe, in the areas of communication and energy strategically, among other Gold visas etc.
He was responsible for several viruses that  erupted on its territory such as; 1957: Asian flu; 1968: Hong Kong flu; avian influenza A H5N1; 2003 SARS, and in all without exception always resulted a boost for the Chinese economy compared to other countries.
While the Western world discusses the Environment, the LGBT, the Sanctions against Russia, The Siria,the Immigrants, the  Brexit's,all kinds of leaks, euthanasia, racism and all those dubbed Rights, Guarantees and Freedoms to China through its powerful Chinese Communist Party causes a sickling crisis from Wuhan, where the stock market falls and the Chinese currency depreciates with the Chinese Central Bank gettingimpaled and serene. With this all companies in Europe and the USA based in China perdwere a stock market value of more than 40%. The West is also starting to get sick and Xi Jinping orders on behalf of the state of the People's Republic of China to buy the entire foreign industry based in his country, acquiring in one day only 30% of the world industry.
The COVID-19 epidemic is controlled in China and acquired industries resume their economy.
Today the sharks of the West who sold their shares,began to realize that a theater was and that they lost to Checkmate economic. Today in China in Wuhan, we saw the cured patients leaving in hospital lines as if it were a happy and content cruise, the doctors and nurses all dressed in equal, with a smile and with flags in their hand. All the commerce, theaters, museums, gardens and the whole population circulating as if nothing had happened. There is no longer an increase in  infected,no one else dies, there is already treatment and even there is vaccine ...
We in the West, without exception, with all the responsible of each country, disoriented, take measures 24 hours, without forecasting the next 48. Too much western culture thinks that wages are born in the banking account and the kids think that steaks are born on supermarket shelves. Some in panic and others in conscience guard themselves at home and work, others go around not wanting to work thinking it's a flu, and even thinking that we should take advantage of these férias. And of course, in a culture where rights, guarantees and freedoms reign, there is no one who can govern in this chaos, in circumstances never foreseen.
We were really well analyzed, we were well studied, and the virus was the best designed and tactically applied biological weapon to achieve its ends.
This Third World War was won by China, it was silent, and without the slightest chance that the West could resort to war or nuclear weaponry, not least because human civilizations already have enough nuclear weapons to destroy four planets and here we have all been aware for many years that we will not be able to solve or stop anything by this means. Also from this awareness that we knew that World War III would be economic and never warlike or nuclear, but it was with decades planning, dirty economic strategies or at least no morals, and with the Machiavellian resource of controlled biological weaponry that the West knelt.
It all happened with the permission and rules of the West, except in the use of a Virús of his name COVID19 the ChineseVirús, which at the end of the line may eventually come to be used with the excuse of an unintended escape from a class 4 laboratory located 21 km from Wuhan. And such accusations can never be made by a sober ruler of a Country of the West without any consequences.
On a board, as long as there is a player who is exempt from using the rules to which others are obliged, that player will always win be it the SLBenfica or the Communist Party of China

After COVID-19, we will live as Xi Jinping and the PCC decide

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